Quick Tip: Animating height: auto;
By default, height: auto; value cannot be used in CSS transitions or animations. However, there is a trick to getting it working.
Read more »By default, height: auto; value cannot be used in CSS transitions or animations. However, there is a trick to getting it working.
Read more »When dealing with APIs, JSONP is all the rage these days. There is a number of reasons as to why this specification reached such popularity, but there's also a lot of uncertainity when it comes to actually using it. Most people would be all like 'Ugh, JSONP is easy, just use jQuery!' But as usual, 'just use jQuery' is not an acceptable answer for everyone.
Read more »Many blogs on the web are centred around code so syntax highlighting in code blocks is useful to help readers better understand the displayed code. Jekyll offers easy ways to integrate highlighting into the build chain, for example using Rouge.
Read more »With BEM, SMACSS, OOCSS and other methodologies for CSS architecture there's been a lot of debating around which method is better than the others. AMCSS is a new contender for the throne and in this post I will outline how I'm using it to write CSS components.
Read more »Jekyll makes it easy to display a post's word count or its reading time using no JavaScript whatsoever.
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